Mar 22 - Mar 28
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Today's Snig
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Snig of the Day   
The Council of the Three Creameries

Every summer, as temperatures rise and the need for soothing refreshment becomes paramount, the Council of the Three Creameries meets to appoint the new flavors of the sweltering season.

This year the Council is headed by the primary colors of the creamery world: Strawberry, Blueberry, and Lemon. As is deemed in the bylaws of the Grand Creamery, the cone torches are lit at sundown giving the Council anywhere from 4 to 5 hours to appoint new flavors before they themselves melt away.

Prospects for this year include Fleenberry, Pineapple Crunch, and a spicy Jalapeno Sorbet.

Sherbert's are ineligible.

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