Snig of the Day
Armnibbler Pibbs
Armnibbler Pibbs is content as he is.
He's kind of the village fleen-brain — happy to just stand about chewing his forearms.
He was chosen as Snig of the Day because I like saying his name. Armnibbler Pibbs, Armnibbler Pibbs.
If I were to write a poem about him off the top of my head, it would be thus:
Armnibbler Pibbs, your chin has no bibs. You tickle my ribs when you gnaw with your nibs.
Dog Bat
Fluttering about the ballpark as evening falls, the sonar sensed Dog Bat waits for its chance to swoop up the foot-long goodness grilling below.
No bun for this fickle flyer — and only the choicest dogs will do. In fact, the Dog Bat has such an incredible nose for quality that many street vendors welcome their presence — even if they have to cede a couple of franks.
"Ain't no better advertisement than a Dog Bat over my cart," claims wiener peddler, Piff Nooly. "As the saying goes, 'Skies all clear - don't go near. Skies be batty - all beef patty'. It doesn't exactly apply to hot dogs but we vendors aren't really known for our poetry."
Toast of the Town
Whether cruising the neon strip in his Rolls Toaster or strolling merrily along Bread Boulevard, Toast of the Town is the city's swankiest slice.
This evening he's sporting his best butters for a night on the town with Bacon and Egg. No doubt they'll be out until dawn — let's just hope they're back in time for breakfast!
Flapjack Dad
Flying solo ever since the unfortunate griddle incident that claimed the late Mrs. Pancake, Flapjack Dad has been making the best of his single-parent situation.
"It's not easy raising two waffles on my own," says the paternal pancake, "especially with one still in diapers. But when life deals you a ball of sap you just try to make maple syrup. It's tough for the young'uns' I'm sure, but we'll be just fine as long as we stay a complete breakfast."
The Candy Gland
Long disrespected by the other more vital organs for his seemingly laid-back lifestyle, the Candy Gland is nevertheless an integral part of the body's functioning digestive system.
"It's really not fair to discount this incredible innard," remarks Chief Anatomist at Snig Medical, Doctor Grimms Gutspill. "The Candy Gland processes 98% of the body's sugary intake. Without him, you'd have to take that coffee black."
"We like to refer to him as the 'Dandy Gland'," snickers Heart. "So what if he processes a gum ball every day or two, try sustaining a rhythmic beat 103 thousand times a day — not to mention handling the traffic nightmare of 9 pints of blood flow every 24 hours. I've had 4 second coronaries that were more work than a full year of Candy Gland's schedule. It's just a matter of time before he joins appendix and gall bladder in the hospital trash bin."
Nerd Hound
Nerd Hound is a raving know-it-all. He barks with authority on hundreds of subjects.
Typically, as you might expect, this pompous pooch is way off on both facts and conclusions. He triumphs, however, because listeners are either too disinterested to argue or his quick, pauseless speech and cynical demeanor fool them into thinking he's right.
Stumbubble Jones
Cruising overhead at a dizzying 22,000 feet, Stumbubble Jones can oft be spotted riding the wispy winds of the upper atmosphere.
"I was born with this unique ability," says the ace aviator. "By swallowing air and pushing out my stum, I can blow bubbles with my belly button. It saves me a bundle on travel and the tiny, streaming airborne bubbles are great at birthday parties and weddings."