Jan 10 - Jan 16
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Today's Snig
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Snig of the Day   
Makeover Ape

"Well, naturally, I'm very unhappy with my 'new look'," barks the begrudged Baboon. "The full body wax was a complete disaster. I can't grip a branch or scale a tree to save my life — I'm slidin' all over the canopy. Then of course there's the perm. What was my beautician thinking? 'Banana yellow', she said, 'it'll drive the guys crazy'. Well it's drivin' them alright — drivin' them to pluck out their eyes and burrow under the forest floor."

"I flail my arms, grunt, and hoot but it doesn't help. At the very least I did get my full 75 bananas refund plus a coupon for a free pedicure — maybe that'll fix this catastrophe."

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