Snig Remains Sketch Nervous Populace Fears Inking, Colorization |
A disturbingly bizarre pencil rendering was sighted near the margin of the page last Thursday and rumors of its imminent inking have local snigs fearing completion of said weirdo.
"It's pretty grody," remarked Mayor Bunny Fleens of the strange quadruped. "Still, I'd hate to make a decision regarding snigification before considering its political affiliation — hideous or not, a vote's a vote."
Other snigs seemed to be less tolerant.
"This thing looks like nothing but trouble," exclaimed local constable, Officer Haunch. "Tentacles, weird brow fins, eyeball peering out from a gut slice — none of these things says 'stand-up citizen' to me. Why take a chance? Three quick rubs from my eraser and we can all feel a lot safer."